Disclaimer: Private / Public Posting by Srikanth Kamath
The post is personal opinion of individual posting for circulation and reading of the people within the limited group to which its posted, everybody reading the post is hereby informed that the post is and or may not be factual nor it is posted with a intent to hurt and or malign any living and or dead Individual and or Company and or Country / Countries and or People Belonging any Group, Community, Religious Grouping, etc.
Anybody who feels otherwise or has any objection to any or all the posted material, shall send a message to poster, mentioning the objection, in public or private using the forum’s / webpage “contact the poster”, the poster agrees to amend / delete the posts depending on the objections submitted by the reader.
Under any circumstances the post shall not be constructed offensive, unless a clear communication indicating the same is sent to the poster and poster has been provided sufficient time to take suitable actions or has indicated in writing that the post will not be amended / deleted as a response to your objection.