Category FaceBook

Managing FaceBook Setting App Permissions

Managing FaceBook Setting App Permissions; Learn, know how to manage your account before the Account Manages You. When Using Facebook, we open our life to the media and world. When FaceBook is hell bent to make money out of you, it is very…

Managing FaceBook Setting (Timeline and Tagging Settings)

Managing FaceBook Setting (Timeline and Tagging Settings) is a Challenge.. Couple of my Friends had issues on being tagged on inappropriate Photo & Video.. The Issues is with the setting of FaceBook, a general GuideLine is as follows.. Who can add…

FaceBook SDK Query (Until and Since): Solved

FaceBook SDK Query (Until and Since), It’s Difficult to understand from the documentation of FaceBook SDK, The Following code, Clears the Confusion. Using: say Since=10-06-2015 to get All Post from Today till 10-06-2015, the Result is from 10 June till today…