FaceBook SDK Query (Until and Since): Solved

Warning: This article was published many years ago (greater than two) Jan 15, 2016. Some information may be outdated.

FaceBook SDK Query (Until and Since), It’s Difficult to understand from the documentation of FaceBook SDK, The Following code, Clears the Confusion.

Using: say Since=10-06-2015 to get All Post from Today till 10-06-2015, the Result is from 10 June till today hence Next goes front till Today is reached.

// using fb Query 
// /feed?limit=100&fields=id,from,picture,updated_time,created_time&with=picture&since='.strtotime($weekback)
//$weekback = dd-mm-yyyy
do {
	//echo 'Loop' . ++$loopCnt . '<br /><br />';
	// echo '<br /><br />';
        // Loop Counter to exit if error set $loopCnt to 1,5 
	$response = $request->execute();
	$graphObject = $response->getGraphObject();
		<?php var_dump($graphObject->getProperty('data')); ?>
	// $graphObject->getProperty('data') return "NULL" when no Next Page Exist: Reached the Start of Data.
        if ( $graphObject->getProperty('data') ) {
		$some_post = $graphObject->getProperty('data')->asArray();
		$tsk_post = array_merge($tsk_post, $some_post);
	if ( $loopCnt > $maxPageGet ) { break; }
} while ($request = $response->getRequestForNextPage());

Using: say Until=10-06-2015 to get All Post from infinity till 10-06-2015, the Result is from 10-06-2015 hence Previous goes back till start date is reached.

// using fb Query 
// /feed?limit=100&fields=id,from,picture,updated_time,created_time&with=picture&until='.strtotime($weekback)
//$weekback = dd-mm-yyyy
do {
	//echo 'Loop' . ++$loopCnt . '<br /><br />';
	// echo '<br /><br />';
        // Loop Counter to exit if error set $loopCnt to 1,5 
	$response = $request->execute();
	$graphObject = $response->getGraphObject();
		<?php var_dump($graphObject->getProperty('data')); ?>
	// $graphObject->getProperty('data') return "NULL" when no Next Page Exist: Reached the Start of Data.
        if ( $graphObject->getProperty('data') ) {
		$some_post = $graphObject->getProperty('data')->asArray();
		$tsk_post = array_merge($tsk_post, $some_post);
	if ( $loopCnt > $maxPageGet ) { break; }
} while ($request = $response->getRequestForPreviousPage());

Hope its Clear.. Once I finish on this project I shall post the tutorial


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