Hosting Self Hosted WordPress Blogs not installed in Root

If the WordPress is installed in /wordpress subfolder then the blog can be accessed but if you want the blog to be default page servered by the web-server.. there are many ways to do this.. but involves modification to many…

CRON on Synology NAS

to stop and start  “crontab” in the following (non-standard-Linux) way (from stop start or Reboot the NAS: Remember Rebooting the NAS will take 5~6 Min..

Firefox Issues: WebPage not Loading due to SSL Certificates

HOW TO DELETE ALL SSL CERTIFICATES in FIREFOX (Rename) or delete the following in Firefox Profile Folder secmod.db (secmod.db.old) and cert8.db (cert8.db.old) cert_override.txt (cert_override.txt.old)  –>  If you have a file “cert_override.txt” The file are in Profile folder on MAC OS X -Mountain Lion is usr/library/application…