Magento Installation on GoDaddy Hosted Site: Solved

Warning: This article was published many years ago (greater than two) Jan 15, 2016. Some information may be outdated.

cPannel “Magento” Installation on GoDaddy Hosted Site,

should be a breeze but the support from GoDaddy is horrible and a regular issues is not logged in GoDaddy FAQ: What a shame.


The Installation fails because the installation script does not find PDO-MYSQL…. The following steps will help you to resolve the issue and install “MAGENTO” eCommerce.

Step 1: Check if PHP is up and running Version is compatible with your version of Magento

// create this file and save it as phptest.php in the root "/" on your host// GoDaddy the root is "public_html"
?>Code language: PHP (php)

on the browser go to the URL “” and press “Enter” key. The browser should show the following page or Error


Step 2: If the PHP does not output the above, then your PHP is not installed correctly or the service is not started. Resolve in the installation issue first.

Step 3: Once the PHP is running: get the location of PHP Configuration File ; in the above example its “…./public_html/php.ini

Step 4: cPanel of Godaddy Hosting Services has a file manager Click on the “FileManager” Tab and Select the file php.ini and click “code Edit” and enter the following and save the file

# edit php.ini and add the following
Code language: PHP (php)

Step 5: Repfresh the Browser and Search for “do_mysql”  and you find the section “PDO Driver for MySQL” Enabled

Done: Now Try Installation of “Magento”…

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