unHide User Library Folder
Open Terminal and paste this code, then press enter /usr/bin/chflags nohidden ~/Library
Open Terminal and paste this code, then press enter /usr/bin/chflags nohidden ~/Library
a Simple Script to test if the File is already open, if not Open the File on run set thisFunnelFile to (choose file of type “Numbers”) tell application “Numbers” launch activate set tmpList to name of every document –set file_name…
The ADSL Modem hangs every now and then.. a reboot work all the time.. this is a issue if there is nobody to reset the modem or the site is remote. The solution is a simple script in Python which…
If the WordPress is installed in /wordpress subfolder then the blog can be accessed www.example.com/wordpress but if you want the blog to be default page servered by the web-server.. there are many ways to do this.. but involves modification to many…